Friday, June 08, 2007


It’s the final drum roll; the curtains have closed on the last smile.
Happy endings are a passé, at least definitely not on the first pages of any leading daily in this country.

When did good news become bad enough not be splashed about on the front page? And when did we become OK with it? Skim through any newspaper today and the eye is met with a violent killing, bomb blasts, screeching MLAs hurling chairs at one another, people getting run over…Ghastly, gruesome, gory tales…

Are we as a people becoming more responsive to news that shocks, scandalizes and more often than not spells blood and gore? Or are media conglomerates dictating the way we perceive our world, our city, our lives… When did the happy stories we have to tell get hidden somewhere in the bowels of a paper?

The Hindustan Times Mumbai edition carried a heart-whelming story of a seven-year-old prodigy child[ Sushma Vema of Lucknow] who cracked the matriculation exam to become the world’s youngest matriculate. Her tiny shoulders carry this honor despite situations that don’t run in favor, an illiterate mother a semi-literate daily wage father and a household with not a lot of money to spare. Sushma’s elder brother Shailandra has a success story of his own to tell, with having tried his shot at becoming the worlds youngest matriculate [only to be faced with the never ending bureaucratic red tape] he carries on just as determined, if not more, to becoming the youngest computer graduate in the world!.
These are stories painted in the true colors of success. Where hardships have been surpassed and boundaries broken!! And yet we choose to let them wilt away in dark corners devoid of the fanfare they deserve!



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