Sunday, September 24, 2006

Chaaaaaaacalate Cadbury chaaaaaacalate!!

Train travel always has a surprise up its sleeve…the other day as I boarded yet another crowded Mumbai local train I was greeted by usual harsh stench of underarm odor, the waft of jasmine scented oiled hair intermingled with a days sweat taking its toll

As I squeezed into the bowels of the compartment I heard a screech smack dab right in my ears, full throated yelling “Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacalate Cadbury chaaaaaaaacalate!!!”

Being the chocoholic that I am I spontaneously turned to peep into the basket of goodies she was flaunting. Sitting there in the midst of a crowded train compartment in a dilapidated wicker basket lay an array of chocolates from the jungle look Safari chocolate to names unheard of .I strain my eye to locate the purple & gold wrapping I’ve grown to recognize so well over the years to find none.

An old woman with paan stained teeth, almost surely uneducated, has understood the power of branding without any formal training, no marketing gurus words of wisdom, no weighting lifting text books to lead the way, no pie charts or graphs…Here’s someone who knows that the name Cadburys is so well entrenched into the minds of consumers that now it has come to own the chocolate category. What better way to attract that first glance or as in her case the many glances other than to build on a well established name, even if she didn’t carry any of the Cadbury wares. Her strategy seemed to be working even on me as I landed up buying the wannbe Cadburys instead of the real thing, since she got me salivating over the thought of chocolate already. In such case scenarios people generally tend to make do with what’s available!!

Hats off to the Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccalate woman!!

A whole load of fart…

At the risk of sound crude and crass most advertising people are a whole load of all fart and no shit!! Its all about building up the persona the imagery it rarely traverses into the spectrum of execution…Sadly I’ve seen this farting skill extended into the products clients lay on our platter. Open vulnerable their destiny determined by determined farters!

In advertising the current hot favorite is to ASSUME!! Translation- making an ass out of you and me, we sell assumptions to our client everyday packaged as hard core research findings.
The crux of this industry is built on the unreal and it seems to be dying in its essence a little by little everyday. All I can do is await an divine intervention maybe the bigwigs of the ad world will have a down to earth experience that might pave the way for a small by significant ray of hope

Stifling of the mind...

Walls have been erected& erected high…strong sturdy almost unsurpassable walls. Walls defining age old boundaries, dividing, segmenting…The end result the compartmentalization of the mind and spirit.

Ideas are free flowing, an idea can strike anybody at any point in time, it doesn’t discriminate…then I ask why we must??? In an industry where good people and good ideas are hard wouldn’t ad agencies want creative stimulus from anyone bold enough to voice it barring the job title they currently hold? I would want to try my hand at everything in an ad agency rather that create these mind blocks induced by the current agency structure.
This is a humble plea to break the cycle of the generation of mindless soldiers …



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