Sunday, August 24, 2008

Craining in the handis!!

Whats the co-relation with heavy weights and dahi handis this year?
For the all those unfamiliar with dahi handis,handis are broken during the festival of Sri Krishna Janmashtami or Sri Krishna Jayanti.

Along with the usual pitter patterof unruly rains,the scrathes and the bruises Dahi handi bringds with,handis took on a new more suave avatar,avant garde even.As far as i could remember up until about 5-7 years ago dahi handi meant the local building guys dangling precariously on each others shoulders trying their luck at breaking a handi,without breaking a limb.

All thats changed as far as the eye can see,today handis have gotten more elaborate,they've become commercialized and unionized with the always over bearing political baaps lending more than just their good wishes.Psst...prize money for breaking the handis ranging anywhere from 25,000 to 1,00,000.

What caught my eye this year was the over bearing presence of cranes that held up the handis high above the crowds,at first i attributed this to the innovative use of a crane that was probably used for some construction work that was on way in the area,but then i started to spot a crane here,a crane there and a crane almost everywhere!!!

Dahi handis have jumped on the techno savvy wagon with many a CCTV being installed in the all major areas where Dahi handi contests are scheduled to take place.With political baaps leaving no stone unturned to gain mileage from the centuries old festival. This is evident by the fact that this year, the Mumbai Police have received over 3,945 applications from dahi handi organisers, of which over 1,000 are expected to be held in an extravagant manner



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