Thursday, August 23, 2007

web 2.o

Meet Charlie - what is Enterprise2.0?

From: slgavin, 3 months ago

A visual and entertaining example of web2.0 within the corporation.

Visually inspired by the brilliant Meet Henry by Cheree Moore of Ethos3 Communications! Check it out:

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Nokia 888 Mind blowing

Its not an accessory!not a curio!Yes its a phone, Nokia recently introduced its Nokia 888 concept phone...
For starters it looks nothing like any phone I've seen before and its definitely not all about the looks only.This baby can do almost anything you want it to.
It is envisioned to run on a liquid battery,has speech recognition,a flexible touch screen, and a touch sensitive body cover. Including an alarm clock, PDA, GPS, phone, push email receiver, digital wallet.
This phone will take the leap with consumer emotion interface where users of this phone can use E-motions to communicate their mood
Check out this video that explains the phones functions
Nokia 888

Monday, August 13, 2007

Yes my lil baby...

Practicing cartwheels,swimming,singing the songs I've written,painting,pottery,gardening...a day in the school life of a new age school goer.

Increasingly there has been a shift from conventional educational formats like the ICSE and CBSE boards to new age school like Tridha and Ecole Mondiale in Mumbai, Heritage in Delhi and Kolkata and Indus International school in Bangalore.

These school are the new elite in the schooling order, demanding fees that are five time the normal fee!!So what is the USP of such schools?What elevates them to the creme de la creme status?

New age schools follow the path of knowledge must guide the spirit of a human being, emphasizing love and understanding.These schools allow the child to explore their creative talents in a stress free unconventional enviorment, without the pressures if examinations and competition.

Many of these schools offer exclusive and premium services lie continental lunch menus,telemedicine facilities, wi-fi zones,buses with GPS.Some of the school activities in theses schools includes community service in near by villages to help imbibe even imbibe social responsibility and social values.When a particular era in history is being taught in class unlike conventional textbook education,the child is taught not just about the events that took place during that time,but the fashion,architecture,poetry,dance and drama.
True these kids may not get a leg up at the IIT or IIM exam but perhaps this is the first time parents are actually listening to their kids when it comes to choosing a school.[maybe that or its another cool tag to flaunt when you can afford it, so why not!]

Monday, August 06, 2007

Nice one!Njoy

Came across this ad as i was surfing the net today...
Loved it!
The eternal battle of the sexes continues...



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