Monday, November 05, 2007

The bendy Indian

Hinduism is marked by two very strong ideologies,the first being,the tolerance injunction ,this basically emphasizes Hinduisms willingness throughout history to negotiate other world views and accept changes without sacrificing an unchanging essential core.

The second being Hinduism's universality,which essential is the belief that for every Hindu the fundamentals of his religious beliefs are the fundamental insights of all religions.The flexible Hindu is generally urban,educated and belongs to the ever expanding middle class.He may be traditional when it comes to religious rituals, he can be a nationalist when it comes to Islamic or Christan conversion activity and a globalist who enthusiastically embraces new religion and spiritual movements.

The bendy Hindu is much more eclectic in his religious attitudes and beliefs than his more traditional counterparts and a lot lest adamant when it comes to ideological beliefs when it comes to ideological beliefs.

The new Hindu prototype is an ever evolving breed who has to deal with the ever increasing pressures of urban life,he often tweaks age of rituals and modernized them to fit his new time shifting life.So from prayers offered to the Siddhi vinayak temple online or virtual donations.

The yearly pilgrimage has also seen a revamp with transportation and accommodation facilities at pilgrimage spots improved by leaps and bounds many a time the family vacation is plannedas such touristy-spiritual locations.

Another major feature of this prototype is the welcoming of new age healing gurus.From the Sri Sri Ravi Shankars of the world to the now very many Aamas and Matas the flexible Hindu shows not aversion to welcoming them with open arms.

This often topped with a modernized yoga and meditative session or weekly sath sang are not an uncommon feature in their lives.The flexible Hindu has no problem integrating New Age practices as they don't really disrupt his existing religious practices and dont alienate him from his core beliefs.

Its not just practices like reiki, pranic healing,lama fera,tarot or feng shui but also Hindu cultural concepts-for instance,the idea of karma-that are being re imported in their Western reincarnations.

The new age flexible Hindu is an enterprising, innovative,level headed individuals not afraid of a changing world in fact pro actively contributing to a changing religious culture!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.



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